Coventry – Portsmouth 8/4, odds and results

08-04-2025 19:45EFL Championship Round 41
Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Coventry - Portsmouth
Game facts and information

Kick-off 08-04-2025 19:45

Portsmouth will visit Coventry in EFL Championship for a match starting at 19:45 on the 8/4.

EFL Championship 2024/25
Grundserie5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Sheffield United 13102119-5321584321-132828186440-1860
2Leeds 14112133-7351356218-122127168351-1956
3Sunderland 1394022-8311565418-142328159440-2254
4Burnley 1367015-4251484216-528271411231-953
5Middlesbrough 1575322-15261353524-191828128846-3444
6Blackburn 1582520-13261344511-1316281261031-2642
7West Bromwich 1357114-7221547419-171928914533-2441
8Watford 1492320-12291433819-2712281251139-3941
9Queens Park Rangers 1455420-19201446412-161828911832-3538
10Bristol City 1365219-10231435614-211427910833-3137
11Sheffield Wednesday 1455422-20201352616-2317271071038-4337
12Norwich 1365231-18231434712-21132799943-3936
13Coventry 1363423-16211535714-211428981137-3735
14Oxford Utd 1584323-19281314810-24728981133-4335
15Swansea 1455421-16201442810-191428971231-3534
16Preston 1457216-12221426614-231228713830-3534
17Millwall 1563616-13211217410-1310277101026-2631
18Stoke 1446418-1718132477-1610276101125-3328
19Cardiff City 1452716-18171418515-2511286101231-4328
20Derby County FC 1462619-14201414912-24728761531-3827
21Hull 1526715-20121342712-181428681427-3826
22Portsmouth 1254319-12191414913-33726681232-4526
23Luton 1464418-162214111211-31428751629-4726
24Plymouth 1346322-20181403113-35327491425-5521
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
21/12 2024
EFL Championship - Grundserie
4 - 1
24/3 2012
EFL Championship - Grundserie
2 - 0
3/12 2011
EFL Championship - Grundserie
2 - 1
12/4 2011
EFL Championship - Grundserie
0 - 3
Teams stats in EFL Championship
Games played131528
Games won639
Games drawn358
Games lost4711
Goals for231437
Goals for per game1,770,932,47
Goals against162137
Goals against per game1,231,402,47
Goals against and for per game3,002,332,64
Games played121426
Games won516
Games drawn448
Games lost3912
Goals for191332
Goals for per game1,580,932,29
Goals against123345
Goals against per game1,002,363,21
Goals against and for per game2,583,292,96

Statistics for Coventry - Portsmouth

In home matches this season, Coventry has scored 23 goals in EFL Championship, meaning that Coventry has an average of 1,77 per match. On home ground, Coventry has conceded an average of 1,23 goals in this season of EFL Championship.

In the 28 matches Coventry has played in EFL Championship this season, the team has scored a total of 37 goals, which means an average of 2,47 goals scored per match. During this season, Coventry has conceded a total of 37 goals in the 28 matches in the league. In average, Coventry has conceded a total of 2,47 goals per match.

In away matches this season, Portsmouth has scored 13 goals in 14 matches. Portsmouth has conceded a total of 33 goals in away matches during this season of EFL Championship. In the 14 away matches that Portsmouth has played, there has been an average of 2,36 conceded goals per match.

Portsmouth have in this season of EFL Championship scored a total of 32 goals. In the 26 matches that Portsmouth have played this season, an average of 2,29 goals has been scored per match. Coventry has during this season conceded a total of 37 goals in the 28 matches that has been played in the league.