France – England 11/6, odds and results

1 - 111-06-2012 17:00Fotbolls-EM Grupp D
Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for France - England
Game facts and information

How France - England played out in Fotbolls-EM

Starting at 17:00, the Fotbolls-EM match between France and England was played on 11 juni.

Draw in the last match between France - England

It was a draw, 1 - 1, in the match between France and England. We can note a draw in the match between France and England, which means that both teams will get points each.

The best & highest odds for France - England

Ahead of the game between France and England in Fotbolls-EM, were favourites to win according to the betting companies' odds. Favorite to win, , was available for betting to the average odds of at the bookmakers in our odds comparison.

The best odds for , who were expected to lose, were available to bet on for 0/0 times your wager at . If we compare the odds from the betting companies in our list, a bet on to win gave the average odds of .

gave the best odds for a draw between France and England, times your wager. Before the match between France and England, the betting companies in the list above gave the average odds of for a draw.

Point record France

France has an averige so far in Fotbolls-EM of 0 scored points per home match. In home matches, France has an average of 0 points per match.

France has an away score in Fotbolls-EM of 3 points in 3 matches. This means that France has an average score in away matches of 1,00 points per match.

In Fotbolls-EM this season, France has scored 3 points in the 4 matches played so far. This results in an average of 1,00 points per match for France.

Point record England

England has played 2 home matches in Fotbolls-EM this season, with 0 collected points. And a record for home matches that reads 0 points per match.

England has in their away matches this season scores 4 points in Fotbolls-EM in 2 matches. England does in other words score 2,00 points in average for each away match.

In the 4 matches England has played in Fotbolls-EM this season, they have scored a total of 4 points. England has an average of 2,00 points per match.

Fotbolls-EM 2012
Grupp A5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Czech Republic 11001-0321013-5332014-56
2Russia 11004-1320111-2131115-34
3Greece 21012-2310101-1131113-34
4Poland 20202-2210010-1030212-32
Fotbolls-EM 2012
Grupp B5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Germany 11001-0322004-2633005-29
2Portugal 11002-1321013-3332015-46
3Denmark 20023-5011001-0331024-53
4Netherlands 20021-3010011-2030032-50
Fotbolls-EM 2012
Grupp C5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Spain 21105-1411001-0332106-17
2Italy 21103-1410101-1131204-25
3Croatia 10010-1021104-2431114-34
4Ireland 10011-3020020-6030031-90
Fotbolls-EM 2012
Grupp D5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1England 11001-0321104-3432105-37
2France 10101-1121012-2331113-34
3Sweden 21014-3310011-2031025-53
4Ukraine 21012-3310010-1031022-43
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
10/12 2022
Fotbolls-VM - Kvartsfinaler
1 - 2
11/6 2012
Fotbolls-EM - Grupp D
1 - 1
Teams stats in Fotbolls-EM
Games played134
Games won011
Games drawn101
Games lost022
Goals for123
Goals for per game1,000,671,00
Goals against145
Goals against per game1,001,331,67
Goals against and for per game2,002,002,00
Games played224
Games won112
Games drawn011
Games lost101
Goals for347
Goals for per game1,502,003,50
Goals against437
Goals against per game2,001,503,50
Goals against and for per game3,503,503,50

Points statistics for France - England

The draw means that in the last 5 matches, France has gotten 1 wins, 2 losses och 0 draws - while England in the same time has collected 1 wins, 0 losses and 1 draws.

3 points for France, and 4 points for England of the possible is the record for both teams as they both were both given points for the draw.

Statistics for France - England

France has scored 1 goals in home matches during this season of Fotbolls-EM, an average of 1,00 goals scored per match. During this season, France has conceded a total of 1 goals in 1 games played on home grounds in Fotbolls-EM. That means that France has conceded an average of 1,00 goals per match.

In the 4 matches France has played in Fotbolls-EM this season, the team has scored a total of 3 goals, which means an average of 1,00 goals scored per match. During this season, France has conceded a total of 5 goals in the 4 matches in the league. In average, France has conceded a total of 1,67 goals per match.

In away matches this season, England has scored 4 goals in 2 matches. In away matches, England has conceded an average of 1,50 goals in the 2 away games that has been played.

England have in this season of Fotbolls-EM scored a total of 7 goals. In the 4 matches that England have played this season, an average of 3,50 goals has been scored per match. England has played a total of 4 matches this season, and during those 4 matches the team has conceded a total of 7 goals giving them an average of 3,50 conceded goals per match.