Greece – Georgia 3/9, odds and results

1 - 103-09-2010 19:45EM-kvalet Grupp F
Best game odds
Chance of winning
Odds for Greece - Georgia
Game facts and information

How Greece - Georgia was played

Greece and Georgia faced each other on 3 september. The match was played in EM-kvalet with match start 19:45.

Draw in the last match between Greece - Georgia

The match between Greece - Georgia finally ended in a draw, with a final score of 1 - 1. The match between Greece and Georgia ending in a draw means that both teams are given points for the EM-kvalet table.

The best odds for Greece - Georgia

The odds before the match in EM-kvalet between Greece and Georgia favoured to win. The betting company gave the highest odds, of 0/0 times your wager if were to win. In average, the betting companies in our odds comparison gave the odds for a win.

A bet on , who were expected to lose at the betting companies, you could place a bet to the odds of 0/0 at . The bookmaker's didn't think could win, and the betting companies in the comparison offered an average odds of for them to win.

The best odds for a tie between Greece and Georgia was available at - at . The betting companies you can see in the odds comparison above, gave an average odds of for a draw.

Point record Greece

Greece home score this far in EM-kvalet is 0 points in 5 matches. Greece has an average score in home matches of 0 points per match.

Greece has on away grounds during this EM-kvalet season scored 11 points in 5 matches. This gives Greece an away average of 2,20 points per match.

In 10 played matches, Greece has scored 11 points in EM-kvalet.  Greece has an average score of 2,20 points per match.

Point record Georgia

On home grounds, Georgia has scored 0 points in EM-kvalet this season, in 5 home matches. Georgia has a score of 0 points per home match in average.

In 5 away matches, Georgia has scored a total of 3 points in EM-kvalet This means that Greece has an average of 0,60 points per match on away grounds.

Georgia has in EM-kvalet scored 3 points in 10 played matches this season. Georgia has a season average of 0,60 points per match.

EM-kval 2012
Grupp A5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Germany 550022-415550012-31510100034-730
2Turkey 54019-61251224-551052313-1117
3Belgium 522113-8852128-771043321-1515
4Austria 52126-47512210-1351033416-1712
5Azerbaijan 52127-10750053-1601021710-267
6Kazakstan 51132-9450054-150101186-244
EM-kval 2012
Grupp B5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Russia 531110-21054107-2131072117-423
2Ireland 53119-61053206-1111063115-721
3Armenia 531111-310521211-771052322-1017
4Slovakia 52123-6752214-48104337-1015
5Macedonia 51224-6551044-83102268-148
6Andorra 50050-10050051-1501000101-250
EM-kval 2012
Grupp C5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Italy 550015-01553205-2111082020-226
2Serbia 52218-7852125-571043313-1215
3Slovenia 52037-5652214-281042411-714
4Estonia 41126-5453027-89941413-1313
5Northern Ireland 51225-3551134-104102359-139
6Faroe Islands 51133-7440042-17091175-244
EM-kval 2012
Grupp D5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1France 53118-21053207-2111063115-421
2Bosnia-Hercegovina 540110-31252217-581062217-820
3Romania 52309-4951224-551035213-914
4Belarus 52215-3851223-45103438-713
5Albania 52215-4850142-101102357-149
6Luxembourg 51132-8450051-130101183-214
EM-kval 2012
Grupp E5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Netherlands 550023-515540114-3121090137-827
2Sweden 550018-315530213-891080231-1124
3Hungary 531112-610530210-891061322-1419
4Finland 520314-7651132-941031616-1610
5Moldavia 52037-7651045-931030712-169
6San Marino 50050-16050050-3701000100-530
EM-kval 2012
Grupp F5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Greece 54109-31353205-2111073014-524
2Croatia 541010-21353028-591071218-722
3Israel 53027-5952126-671051413-1116
4Latvia 51225-7552034-56103259-1211
5Georgia 52123-3750324-63102447-910
6Malta 50142-9150052-120100194-211
EM-kval 2012
Grupp G5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1England 42207-28431010-310853017-518
2Montenegro 42205-3841122-4483327-712
3Switzerland 430110-5940222-52832312-1011
4Wales 42024-4641032-6383056-109
5Bulgaria 40130-5141123-8481253-135
EM-kval 2012
Grupp H5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Denmark 44007-11242118-57861115-619
2Portugal 431013-81042028-46851221-1216
3Norway 43106-21042024-56851210-716
4Iceland 41033-7340133-7181166-144
5Cyprus 40132-10140135-10180267-202
EM-kval 2012
Grupp I5 most recentMPWDLGF-GAPts
1Spain 440014-312440012-312880026-624
2Czech Republic 42023-3642119-57841312-813
3Scotland 42117-6741122-4483239-1011
4Lithuania 40222-7241032-6381254-135
5Liechtenstein 41032-7340131-10181163-174
Results mutual meetings
Results mutual meetings
18:00 26/3
EM-kvalet - Playoff
4 - 2 str
11/10 2011
EM-kvalet - Grupp F
1 - 2
3/9 2010
EM-kvalet - Grupp F
1 - 1
Teams stats in EM-kvalet
Games played5510
Games won437
Games drawn123
Games lost000
Goals for9514
Goals for per game1,801,002,80
Goals against325
Goals against per game0,600,401,00
Goals against and for per game2,401,401,90
Games played5510
Games won202
Games drawn134
Games lost224
Goals for347
Goals for per game0,600,801,40
Goals against369
Goals against per game0,601,201,80
Goals against and for per game1,202,001,60

Points statistics for Greece - Georgia

The draw means that in the last 5 matches, Greece has gotten 3 wins, 0 losses och 2 draws - while Georgia in the same time has collected 0 wins, 2 losses and 3 draws.

Points from the draw means that Greece now has gotten 11 points out of possible in their 5 latest matches. Georgia has scored a total of 3 points in the same number of matches.

Goal stats for Greece and Georgia

Greece has scored 9 goals in home matches during this season of EM-kvalet, an average of 1,80 goals scored per match. In the 5 matches played on home ground during this season, Greece has conceded 3 goals in total, which means an average of 0,60 goals per match.

During this season of EM-kvalet, Greece has scored a total of 14 goals in the 10 matches they have played, which gives them an average of 2,80 goals scored per match. During this season, Greece has conceded a total of 5 goals in the 10 matches in the league. In average, Greece has conceded a total of 1,00 goals per match.

Looking to the amount of scored goals in away matches, Georgia has scored a total of 4 goals in the 5 away matches they've played this season of EM-kvalet. Georgia does on the other hand have a record of 6 conceded goals during this season of EM-kvalet.

Georgia has produced an average of 1,40 goals per match in the 10 played in EM-kvalet. Looking at the number of goals this season - Georgia have conceded an average of 1,80 goals per match in the league, in the 10 matches that has been played.